FRACTAL Helper Bot Stats!
Ticker %Minted %1hr %Mempool 20% 40% 60% 90% Unique% Transactions#
vBBC 92.14 11.9% 6.2% 11/27/24 21:30 0.0 mins 100.0 mins 449.9 mins 22.4% 393
α­ 89.81 6.3% 0.9% 09/19/24 3:20 159.1 mins 1646.5 mins 7.2% 1983
bsig 88.29 11.8% 3.0% 08/02/24 8:44 46142.1 mins 3919.3 mins 34.9% 930
paul 87.99 1.3% 3.9% 08/25/24 21:06 42993.6 mins 18131.0 mins 47.5% 2025
stor 84.30 1.4% 1.2% 11/09/24 15:13 1538.6 mins 499.9 mins 39.4% 386
🥩 83.25 1.8% 81.1% 08/29/24 22:30 0.0 mins 0.0 mins 0.8% 1114
xdAY 82.74 0.0% 0.3% 08/16/24 11:43 0.0 mins 175.0 mins 36.0% 303
|\/| 81.90 16.0% 66.0% 07/06/24 20:22 0.0 mins 0.0 mins 4.1% 820
ordC 80.80 11.3% 3.6% 09/20/24 9:01 64535.9 mins 15831.9 mins 41.8% 921
NATO 78.41 13.4% 14.1% 03/17/24 1:42 205531.1 mins 6243.5 mins 11.4% 813
Quni 76.20 2.4% 73.8% 08/30/24 23:21 0.0 mins 0.0 mins 0.3% 1525
MOJO 72.72 62.1% 2.4% 10/06/24 15:18 49.5 mins 0.0 mins 2.0% 15369
FIET 72.20 2.3% 1.2% 09/19/24 9:20 46832.7 mins 20889.7 mins 43.6% 1609
zest 71.92 27.3% 4.7% 09/18/24 15:15 100481.6 mins 74.8 mins 22.3% 1615
zoom 67.13 21.5% 23.5% 11/28/24 2:07 98.7 mins 24.8 mins 1.9% 14152
𝚾 61.20 0.0% 0.0% 11/10/24 18:08 15165.3 mins 5781.9 mins 7.5% 616
WUKO 58.81 14.0% 5.7% 09/07/24 13:37 24.9 mins 7.7% 259
KAMA 58.32 23.2% 3.0% 11/12/24 17:57 22313.3 mins 8.0% 6950
BTIA 58.00 37.5% 4.1% 07/20/24 4:30 49.8 mins 1.1% 12216
KFCS 56.95 0.0% 57.0% 08/15/24 21:33 0.0 mins 4.3% 1197
🗵 46.93 0.4% 0.8% 02/26/24 1:30 372392.0 mins 17.2% 4806
$ESS 40.10 0.0% 4.4% 09/19/24 15:09 100215.9 mins 48.4% 448
F₿ 36.04 0.4% 1.6% 09/09/24 0:57 5.3% 7675
XJON 33.62 1.1% 1.8% 10/22/24 20:32 21.4% 747
plop 32.94 2.4% 0.0% 11/25/24 23:49 34.7% 363
$len 31.79 0.0% 0.3% 10/05/24 9:43 4.1% 6792
LXIX 30.49 2.4% 0.0% 10/10/24 17:56 36.4% 324
Φ 29.94 0.9% 0.0% 11/17/24 0:45 2.7% 1568
MIME 28.63 1.1% 0.0% 11/27/24 15:22 13.3% 631
$bos 28.16 0.0% 0.0% 10/05/24 13:53 34.7% 694
FDCP 25.91 0.0% 0.3% 08/15/24 17:25 12.2% 7883
BUY1 24.43 0.0% 0.0% 10/10/24 17:57 50.8% 579
OMDC 23.06 0.0% 0.0% 09/02/24 9:52 2.0% 256
nizi 22.43 0.0% 0.1% 11/15/24 10:45 8.1% 7349
amor 22.42 1.0% 0.8% 11/28/24 2:31 25.7% 4974
AVNE 21.84 0.0% 0.0% 11/25/24 23:49 22.0% 986
shwr 20.60 0.0% 1.5% 11/27/24 16:38 37.1% 439
YGYG 20.42 1.2% 0.0% 11/28/24 5:51 23.7% 464
👠 20.40 0.0% 1.1% 11/27/24 22:22 26.8% 205
lifu 20.30 0.0% 0.0% 11/17/24 7:25 33.0% 230
Last 3 days calls
Ticker Score Call Time UTC Time Until Minted Out Price To Mint Current Mint Value Mint ATH 24H Volume Total Volume
Total paid to mint 5 of each call (3 days): $0 Total ATH value from 5 of each call (3 days): $0
Well performing calls - last month
Ticker Score Call Time UTC Time Until Minted Out Price To Mint Current Mint Value Mint ATH 24H Volume Total Volume
Total paid to mint 5 of each call (1mo): $0 Total ATH value from 5 of each call (1mo): $0
Ticker Score Call Time UTC Time Until Minted Out Price To Mint Current Mint Value Mint ATH 24H Volume Total Volume
city 80 11/27/24 12:52 25.0 mins $8.02 $1063.23 (13157.2%) $1063.23 (13157.2%) $169.39 $0
mamo 71 03/30/24 11:15 6.0 mins $6.50 $12.22 (88.0%) $24.72 (280.3%) $85.51 $171.03
malt 71 11/26/24 6:53 998.9 mins $7.42 $19.13 (157.8%) $19.13 (157.8%) $21.61 $0
𝛸 73 11/10/24 7:53 24.9 mins $6.65 $2.15 (-67.7%) $2.15 (-67.7%) $163.21 $8355.54
Total paid to mint 5 of each call: $75.6 Total ATH value from 5 of each call: $100.2
Current price to mint: $8.57 (11 sats/vb)